Why do you need the help of an interior designer?
Be it a new home or a renovation project, executing it can be a very cumbersome activity especially in the Indian context where professionalism in the field of construction is scarce. Micro-managing all the activities involved can be exhausting and indeterminate. Having professional assistance in furnishing your home can be time-saving, stress- free and worth every penny you spend.
On what basis should you choose the right interior designer for your home? There is no lack of interior designers today in India. They are just a google search away. But on what basis you can qualify them so that they are the right fit for you can be determined by these six steps.
1. Map your requirement... Knowing exactly what you need can be very helpful in saving time and locating the right designer for you.
2. ....or find someone to do the same. Not in all cases are you sure of what you want. This indecisive nature can be sometimes misapprehended, resulting in an outcome you never wanted. In such a case, finding an interior designer who can educate you enough to help you determine your own requirement is crucial.
3. Qualify their ability to provide the right solution. Custom making interiors involve a high level of planning and creativity especially when the solution proposed has to match the client requirement perfectly in its functionality and aesthetics. No two solutions can be the same and therefore planning interiors for every project needs a different approach. The right interior designer will treat every project objectively, however making use of the many years of experience that they have in the industry.
4. Find someone who reflects you.
"The colors and design of a home should be a reflection of the people who live inside". – Amy Wax
Interiors form an integral part of any home because it adorns the inside of it. We spend most of our time within our houses and would love to be in cohesion with it. When the interiors are an embodiment of the people within, the space feels far more lively and spirited. Your interior designer should be able to achieve the same rather than forcing their style which may feel completely alien to the resident.
5. Check whether they are up-to-date. Trends, techniques and availability of materials in the interiors industry keep changing every day. Make sure your interior designer is well aware and can offer a good choice of what is available in the market and also has the knowledge to work with them.
6. Can they make it a reality? Lastly, your ideal interior designer should be able to help execute the design and make it a reality. The quality of the final outcome largely depends on a fairly good amount of technical know-how and the years of experience the designer or the firm has in executing projects. This can be determined by taking a look at their portfolio and going through client testimonials.
This checklist will help you decide on that interior designer who can both tastefully and efficiently design for your home.